Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The blog posts are less often and more full. With so many things on the boil  it's a bit tricky to have more entries. If I have nothing to share or it's a bit slap dash I would prefer not to.  You may need a cuppa for this one. The future abundance of time is on my mind so  have started a few projects in the anticipation. The watercolours I am working on are very layered so a day or so of drying time in between. Perfect for small snatches of time but difficult because I like to have finished/. I can see it in my head I long to see it on the paper. My dream is to have an exhibit at anna spiros space in brisbane.... not that I know her, mentioned it to her or have even been there just a dream for 2013.... particularly inspired by inspired by illustrator and artist Pip Boydell on the daily imprint today

A phootshoot today my place for a craft magazine. It's been lovely to see two such happy people working together. Can't wait to see the mag. It makes me realise how much I enjoyed the photoshoots , getting the shot / light right.

Brochures finished... great to complete one thing today. I have tassels on my mind for the wirys and a light to create. 

A new covet garden was out this week too. Always a fabulous read.

a special gift...

Tassels to make
book to complete/work on .... more on this another time when i don't feel so silly having written this down

Posters are always fabulous for the santa sacks too. They are a great record of the passing of time. To go from the alphabet to trained, star wars and beyond... obviously we have them in our poster grids with the previous ones stored behind... you can grab frame from ikea also. or just hang from string with a couple of bulldogs clips. a new poster really freshens up a room...

Came across this one this week.... it's fabulous. Am finding easy once again a magical source for all things different.

Christmas on it's way....books on order book depository. I have bought quite a few from gumtree too. If your kids love a series and I mean ones with many books... famous five, beast quest sac power etc Gumtree is a fabulous source.

new bed... 
With the kids getting older a little moving around was in order. what to do when you don't want to use precious floorspace. ? just hang it. All the boys can see each other and have their own bed . a rare thing in this house the littler ones love to share.... and they are not so little these days.

Lots of orders going out too. not many poster grids or sacks left. please get in quick before xmas. Feel free to ask me to pop them aside to wait for payday...